In the event of a natural disaster, keeping your people safe and your business up and running can seem impossible – that’s where we come in.

Design Beyond Safety

Insight Beyond Engineering

Business Beyond Disaster
About EQC Global
EQC Global is a premier earthquake engineering company offering expert natural hazard consulting informed by science, not building codes. We are dedicated to enriching businesses and communities, safeguarding lives, and improving everyone’s way of life by providing solutions for protection against uncontrollable circumstances. Our honest and open communication paired with our innovation, creativity, and passion to serve others allows us to build lasting client relationships as strong as our engineering.

What we Do
More Than Just Engineering
When you hire EQC, you invest in the future of your business. We understand the fear of the unknown and the need to be proactive in securing the lifespan of your company. Our team of highly skilled seismic engineers can help you plan ahead for those low possibility, high consequence events by developing risk management programs tailored specifically for you and your company’s needs.
There are approx. 500,000 recorded earthquakes every year. In Los Angeles alone, over 13,000 apartment buildings face a high risk of collapsing in the case of a high magnitude earthquake. Businesses such as hospitals, schools, and airports that rely entirely on a singular locations to operate live under a constant threat of natural disasters and the effects they may have on their survival.
Our goal is to bring a greater sense of comfort to our clients by being proactive and taking measures to minimize damage and secure ongoing productivity. We work alongside our clients to build trusted partnerships that guarantee our ability to find effective solutions to match their specific needs and concerns.

Let’s Connect.
Don’t wait for disaster to strike. Contact us today to see how you can protect your business.